Bio security combo Coop-Biotic/ Cook-Kleen/ Feed lime for R150
Poultry start-out Trio Feeder, Drinker and stress-pack R250
Poultry Heating Combo for new farmers includes info-red light, digital thermometer/humidity gauge and ceramic lamp holder for R435
This package is for the beginner farmer, all you need to rear and farm broiler chicks until point pf sale. Includes 1- 100 vaccinated broiler chicks 2- 2 bags of broiler starter 3- 8 bags of broiler grower 4- V12 stress pack and immune vitamins 5- Oxyvet antibiotic's (this is the medication your birds will need) 6- 2 chick 4 liter fount (for water) 7- 2 chick bulk feeder (for feed) 8- 1 coop-biotic (for bio-security and bird hygiene)